We Celebrate God's Love (WCGL) K to 12 Series is more than just instructional materials for the Christian Living subject. This is a valuable resource material for integral faith formation. This series is substantially based on the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines's (CEAP) K to 12 religious education curriculum. As such, it allows for the integration of the targeted values in the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao program of the Department of Education with the topics of Christian Living. It also provides ample room for the integration of the institutional charism and core values of parochial and congregational schools in relevant sections of the book. The celebratory aspect of the Christian faith is highlighted in the senior high school series of the leading series of textbooks, We Celebrate God’s Love. This celebration is based on the truth that Christian faith is founded on God’s unconditional love for humankind manifested in his act of sending Jesus to liberate humankind.